So much has changed since this spring when I got proposed to by my best friend, Jake Reed, on April 10th. Jake and I planned our wedding with the help of our family, doing as much as we could by ourselves. After we got through graduation, I was freaking out about taking boards. Jake was working at J. Crew and I was babysitting 3 kids 45 hours week all while trying to find a place to live after the wedding, studying for boards, and planning all the small details of the wedding. Life was pretty crazy for a while! I took boards on July 6th, and I PASSED! Thank the Lord! I started my new job on the Oncology Unit at Lynchburg General Hospital on July 18th and it has been a huge blessing!
On August 13th, all of our wedding planning came together to create a beautiful wedding on a beautiful day in northeast Iowa. The wedding and the reception was better than I ever could have imagined it to be and Jake and I both had a blast, as well as most of our guest from what I could tell.
After the wedding, Jake and I took a honeymoon to Mexico, which was a wonderful time at an all-inclusive resort. We went snorkeling and rode lots of ziplines and other fun stuff in the Mexican jungle.
Now, we are back to the daily grind, trying to get used to the 'real life' outside of school. I can't say I miss being in school at all, and even though I miss my teammates, training for my first 50 mile ultramarathon, Mountain Masochist, on November 5th, is a nice change of pace.
I am still on orientation at work and tomorrow I start working my actual shift, 3-11 pm and I start working on my own October 2nd (prayers will be appreciated!).
Jake has a new job with The Aid Station, a new running store here in town and last night was his last night at J. Crew and today was his first day with The Aid Station. He is still taking classes online for his Masters degree in Special Education.
That about sums up life in the new Reed household! Keep posted for updates!