Monday, August 23, 2010

Senior year has begun

How crazy is it that I have started my SENIOR year of COLLEGE?!?!?! It is so strange to me! Today, I had my first day of school and it was a very long (but could have been longer) clinical orientation for Critical Care nursing. It went very well except for the overwhelming fact that I will be writing a crit care profile this coming weekend. EEEK! And I start clinical on MONDAY!!! I do not think I am ready for this, but regardless, HERE I GO!!!!!!!!!!

So, as a senior in college, I have noticed that many things have changed. Especially from the typical junior nursing student who can only think about the clinicals, profiles, AND tests that are all coming up way too soon. So, here are the main topics of conversation today at lab....

1) So, what are you doing when you graduate??

2) Oh, you're engaged?? Congratulations! Let me see your ring! Have you picked a date for the wedding yet? (seriously, just about the whole nursing class, except for me that is, is either married, or got engaged this summer)

3) How was your summer? Did you do anything fun? (ok, so this is happening among students of all ages, but I thought I better include it since that has been heard a lot lately...)

Ok, so that was about it for conversation among us SENIORS, but many other things that changed as well.


"oh, you're a senior now, you know this stuff" I'm thinking "I do?!??!"

the professors seem to be MUCH MORE CHILL with's kinda nice :-)

Other exciting things that happened on the first day of school was getting our NEW lockers in our NEW locker room. It is a beautiful place, let me tell you! We are quite spoiled here at LU! We also got to meet our NEW distance coach! How exciting to finally have a distance coach again! Coach Tolsma is an amazing man and did a great job as a coach, but being in charge of over 100 athletes is a now he has a little less to do.

While I'm talking about all the new things this year, I would like to mention my NEW roommate! She just moved in last night. She is from New Jersey, and though I don't know her very well yet, she seems very cool and I am excited to get to know her more!

So, lots of change for my senior year but I believe it is all going to be good! And, what's a year of school without change anyway? I don't think it is possible...especially in college!

Only one class tomorrow, and it's not until 2:00! WOOHOO!

I should probably still get to bed though, so goodnight y'all!

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